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Hala Bucheeri

Hala Bucheeri

Guest Contributor

Hala Bucheeri is currently a clinical psychologist in a private practice in the Kingdom of Bahrain, specializing in women’s health psychology and perinatal mental health (Beck Institute; Postpartum Support International). Hala graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Neuroscience and from the University of Bath with a Master of Science in Applied Clinical Psychology. Hala’s research interests include exploring the mental wellbeing of refugees and cultural competency in therapy. Hala has published her findings on the evaluation of the cultural competency trainings provided to Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP) in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services in the United Kingdom (2023). Hala has also presented her preliminary research findings on belongingness and mental illness amongst Uyghur refugees at various conferences such as the American Psychological Association Annual Convention (2022) and the Canadian Muslim Mental Health Conference (2021).