
In these final nights, point the way to faith.

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10 reasons to donate

Yaqeen is a resource for your community

Yaqeen puts up-to-date content into the hands of masajid, Imams, youth directors, organizations, and more to equip them with what it takes to dismantle doubts and nurture conviction in their communities.

Yaqeen puts high quality content in your pocket

Our mobile app allows users to have access to all of our content with just a tap. You can listen to lectures during your commute, read a publication during some down time, or quickly pull up an infographic to convey a concept to a friend or family member.

Yaqeen changes lives

“When I feel disconnected, I always turn to Yaqeen. It came through when I was holding on to religion with a loose grip. Thank you so much for this. It has helped me immensely.” We receive messages like this frequently, thanking Yaqeen for clarifying doubts.

Yaqeen addresses relevant topics for Muslims today

Muslims are confronting complex topics such as abortion, women’s rights, jihad, shariah, secularism, Islamophobia, and more. Yaqeen addresses these topics head-on to empower our communities.

Yaqeen gives a platform to qualified, diverse voices

We pride ourselves on building a team that is diverse on all fronts, allowing for constant, enriching dialogue that helps us produce high-quality research.

Yaqeen is and will always be 100% free

We pledge to make every last piece of content we ever create free for everyone.

Yaqeen believes in making high quality content accessible to everyone

We raise the discourse of the Muslim community by making academic grade research material accessible to everyone. This means packaging our research into animated videos, lectures, audiobooks, infographics, curriculum, and more.

Yaqeen is going global

By the grace of God, we have opened a Yaqeen office in Canada and are in the process of opening one in Malaysia. With your support, we can continue to dismantle doubts and nurture conviction internationally.

Yaqeen helps make the world a better place

Islam has a centuries long tradition of inspiring contribution through conviction. Previous Muslims were on the forefront of medicine, philosophy, architecture, art, governance, and more. By dismantling doubts and nurturing conviction, we allow Muslims today to be inspired by their faith and contribute positively to humanity.

Yaqeen reclaims the narrative about Islam and Muslims

We believe that telling our own story is the only way to counter the narrative that has been forced upon our community.