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Sh. Ahmad Saleem

Sh. Ahmad Saleem

Guest Contributor

Shaykh Ahmad Saleem, originally from Pakistan and raised in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), is a distinguished Islamic scholar with Ijazahs in Qur'an, Fiqh, Tafsir, Aqeedah, and Hadith. His scholarly journey is marked by a deep dedication to the sacred sciences of Islam. He is the visionary founder of Deenagers, a dynamic youth development and mentorship program that has impacted the lives of over 1,000 students. He is also establishing his flagship initiative, Basaair, which aspires to provide clarity and understanding of the Qur'an. Shaykh Ahmad Saleem resides in GA, with his wife and six children, where he continues to be a guiding light for the Muslim community through his scholarly and spiritual endeavors.