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10 Ways to Maximize Your Worship in the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan | Blog

Published: April 1, 2024 • Updated: February 28, 2025

Author: Dr. Omar Suleiman

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As we enter the last ten nights of Ramadan, we have a unique opportunity before us to seek forgiveness, draw closer to Allah (SWT), reap the rewards of our nightly worship, and insha’Allah catch Laylatul-Qadr or The Night of Decree. To make the most of these nights, here are 10 practical tips:

1. Avoid Sins during the Day

This is something we don’t think about when considering the last ten nights. Outside of Ramadan, we are reminded not to disobey Allah (SWT) during the day, for if we do, He will not wake us up to pray at night. As one saying goes, “If you sin during the day, you shut the doors of the heavens for you at night.”
If this is true throughout the year, how about then on the last ten nights of Ramadan when we want to ensure we don’t miss Laylatul-Qadr? We don’t want to be praying Maghrib with the ghadab (anger) of Allah (SWT) on us due to a sin we committed during the day in Ramadan. So let’s be especially mindful of what we do throughout the day. Whether it’s refraining from harmful speech or avoiding sinful behaviors, our conduct in the daylight hours sets the tone for our spiritual state during these blessed nights.

2. Avoid Idle Conversations at Night

Imam Ibn Qudama mentions that the blessings of Laylatul-Qadr are most often lost due to people mixing with one another too much during the night. This is because it is likely that at some point our tongues will slip into backbiting, gossiping, etc. Thus, it is best to refrain from excessive socializing during this time; instead, these last 10 nights are a time to prioritize our ibadah (worship).  
Join gatherings where Allah (SWT) is remembered, and try your best to disengage from unnecessary conversations. Let’s use this time to focus on worship and reflection, nurturing a deeper connection with our Creator.

3. Pray Isha Fajr in Congregation

Prioritize praying Isha and Fajr prayers in congregation. Saeed ibn Musayyib said “Whoever prays Isha in congregation would have taken their fortune of Laylatul-Qadr.” The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever prays Isha in congregation, it is as if they have [the reward of praying] the first half of the night. And whoever prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if they have [the reward of praying] the last half of the night.”
It is more precious to Allah (SWT) that you pray Isha and Fajr in congregation than you spend the whole night in prayer. So let’s prioritize being in the masjid for Isha and Fajr prayers insha’Allah. By coming together as a community, we not only experience the blessings of unity but also amplify the spiritual rewards of our prayers.
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4. Pray a full set of Qiyaam with the Imam

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever prays behind the imam in Qiyaam until the imam finishes, then that person has [achieved the reward of] the entire night in prayer.” While there are multiple interpretations of this hadith, the general recommendation is to pray as much as you can continuously behind the imam (for taraweeh or additional qiyaam). The more you can do the better to attain this reward insha’Allah.

5. Read the Qur’an Throughout the Night

This may seem pretty self-explanatory, but it’s often overlooked. Qatadah (rA) used to finish the Qur’an every three days of Ramadan, but then he would do a khatm (complete reading of the Qur’an) every night of the last 10 nights. There’s a general trend amongst our salaf (pious predecessors) of an increase in recitation of the Qur’an in the last 10 nights specifically.
Even if you’re trying to finish a certain amount during the day, stick to that goal and try to surpass it, but still strive to read more Qur’an in the last 10 nights than during the rest of Ramadan. It is one of the most beautiful things to exceed your Qur’an reading goals in Ramadan. For instance, if your goal is to finish one khatm by doing a juz a day, and you finish one and a half, that’s better than one. That success will kickstart your momentum into Shawwal and you may also have a khatm by the end of Shawwal as well!  
Subhan’Allah, the very first word revealed to our Prophet ﷺ on this night of Laylatul-Qadr was iqra’ (read). Surely in that is a sign that you should honor the Qur’an in these last 10 nights. So try to increase the amount you read. Don’t cut back on what you’re reading during the day, but instead increase what you’re reading at night insha’Allah!  

6. Supplicate with the Prophetic Du’a taught to Aisha (rA)

Aisha (rA) asked the Prophet ﷺ, “If I find myself in Laylatul-Qadr, what should I recite?” The Prophet said, “Say ‘Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni’ (Oh Allah, You are the Forgiver, You love to forgive, so forgive me).”
Read this du’a throughout the night. Start your du’as with it and end your du’as with it. Read it between the personal du’as you’re making. There’s nothing more blessed than the guidance of the Prophet ﷺ in the specific du’as we should be making during this auspicious time.

7. Make Du’a and Dhikr Even While in Motion

Seize every moment, whether walking, moving about, or commuting, to engage in supplication. Some of the most blessed adkhar (remembrances of Allah) come as we’re moving about our day, whether going from our homes to the masjid or waiting in line for suhoor, for example. So keep your tongue busy with du’a and dhikr even while you’re in motion on the night of Laylatul-Qadr. Treat each night like every single second matters.

8. Increase Your Sajdah (Prostration) on these Nights

The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever stands up on the night of Laylatul-Qadr with faith and seeking its reward, then they will be forgiven for all of their sins.” This is understood as the general rule. But, the best part of engaging in qiyaam is the best part of salah—so increase the time you spend in sajdah.  
In fact, the last words right before Surah al-Qadr are, “Prostrate and come closer.” So extend the duration of your prostrations and make your personal du’as during sujood during the night. By slowing down and savoring these moments of closeness to Allah, we can more effectively express our gratitude and seek His mercy and forgiveness.

9. Give in Charity

While there’s nothing that explicitly suggests that the Prophet ﷺ gave more charity in the last 10 nights than he did in the rest of Ramadan, the scholars of spirituality note that charity has two major effects: 1) increased reward (which you seek in the night of Laylatul-Qadr), 2) it extinguishes the anger of your Lord (especially secret charity). So on a night of increased reward where the greatest reward you can seek is His forgiveness, what better act to partake in every single night that is associated with being pardoned and earning His favor? Automate your charity or give in charity yourself; either way, be someone who’s actively seeking out opportunities to give and support charitable initiatives. Constantly be open to charity as you are to all good deeds in these last ten nights.

10. Seek Forgiveness

Spend the last few moments of every single one of these nights in istighfar (seeking forgiveness). Instead of eating and socializing until the final minutes of suhoor, use that time to open up your heart to plead to Allah in sincere supplication, asking for His forgiveness and admitting your weaknesses and shortcomings before Him. It may be that a heartfelt du’a made in humility and remorse during these final moments opens us up to His ultimate forgiveness and acceptance. If the night is accepted and we are granted Laylatul-Qadr, then a whole lifetime of reward awaits insha’Allah! So prioritize these last moments of each night, especially the moments before the adhan of Fajr to call out to Allah in genuine repentance.
Allahumma balighna Laylatul-Qadr, Oh Allah, allow us to observe Laylatul-Qadr! May Allah (SWT) allow blessings, tranquility, and acceptance to descend upon us all and our families and communities. May He grant us this Night of Decree, accept our prayers, and allow us to draw nearer to Him insha’Allah. Ameen.

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